AKSNA is pleased to host the LEAd to Succeed Communication for Impact Series through a series of virtual and in-person trainings.
Virtual Events
You and Your Network (2-hour)
15 December 2022 1:30 p.. – 3:30 p.m. (AKST)
NOTE: This date has changed
Registration is FREE
Advanced registration is required: Registration form
Networking and understanding the value someone brings to an organization are essential to advancing one’s professionalism. In this 2-hour training, participants will receive a tour of frameworks and tools to help them more effectively communicate who they are and the value they bring to their organizations. Topics such as nonverbal communication, defining “your personal brand,” and networking are just some of the tools that will help participants communicate the unique value they bring to their school nutrition organization.
In-Person Events
AKSNA will Host LEAd to Succeed Training as part of the 55th Annual Conference. More information, including schedule, will be available soon.
Personal Development (4-hour training)
All leaders need to know how to build a cohesive and compelling narrative that is persuasive, as well as one that allows for feedback and innovation—both of which are critical to any collaborative process. In this four-hour training, participants will explore tools to help them more effectively communicate and collaborate. They will learn how to sharpen their skills of persuasion by employing evidence and strategies on moving an audience from one point to the next, gaining trust and buy-in through the presentation of a cohesive narrative.
Navigating Difficult Conversations (3-hour)
Effective dialogue is one of the single most important skills for today’s leaders. Whether confronting a team member who is not keeping commitments, critiquing a colleague’s work, or simply telling someone “No,” critical conversations are often avoided or handled in clumsy ways. The role of communication is to provide the right type of communication at the right time to the right audience. This three-hour LEAD to Succeed™ training details the key communications skills, approaches, and tools needed to inform, educate, and drive relevant opinions and behaviors. Participants will learn about the theory underpinning these conversations, diagram their structure, and learn specific strategies to successfully approach difficult conversations.
How Do You Bring Value to the Workplace? (1-hour)
Establishing who someone is and the value they bring to an organization are key components of communication in the workplace. In this one-hour training, participants will explore frameworks and tools they can employ to be more effective at communicating who they are and the value they bring to their organization. Participants will take a “deep dive” into the skills they need to assess and understand their audience, and how to develop an effective introduction for a specific audience.
Previous LEAD to Succeed Trainings
Getting Your Ideas Adopted (2-hour)
26 October 2022 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (AKDT)
Virtual Event
There are many steps between the initial proposal of an idea and getting organizational buy-in. This 2-hour training will guide participants through the “diffusion of innovations” framework. This framework is designed to help participants learn how to effectively give and receive ideas and feedback from their network, and to show how and whom participants should communicate with to get their ideas adopted.
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The LEAd to Succeed Logo, SNA Logo, and SNF Log, and all LEAd to Succeed Material is copyright their respective owners. Copyright material used with permission.