21 May 2024 | AKSNA Regular Board Meeting

Alaska School Nutrition Association
PO Box 21256
Juneau, AK 99802

21 May 2024
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. AKDT

The meeting is hosted on Zoom and is open to all members in good standing. To request the Zoom link and password, contact Gavin Northey, AKSNA President, by emailing president@aksna.org.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

Voting Members

PresentName and Title
Gavin Northey, MBA, SNS, President *
Tanya Dube, SNS, President-elect
Trevor Bridgewater, SNS, Treasurer and Past-President (2022-2023) †
Sandie Ponte, Secretary, and Past-President (2021-2022) ‡
Carlos Perez, Chairman, Communications Committee
Susan Pougher, Chairwoman, Public Policy and Legislation
Tiffany Kurani, NDRT, SNS, Chairwoman, Nutrition Standards & Education Committee ‡
Sue Lampert, Past-President (2020-2021)
Quorum is established when five or more voting members are present
* The President votes only in the event of a tie
† The immediate Past-President votes in the event that they hold another position with voting rights
Quorum is established when five or more voting members are present
‡ Newly elected board members are granted voting rights immediately following election, however, one person may only be granted one vote

Non-voting Members

PresentName and Title
Tracy Hulett, Member At-large
Tonia Parfitt, Chairwoman, Awards and Recognitions Committee

III. Adoption of Agenda

IV. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

B. Financial Reports

C. Membership Report

  • 100 Members
    • Director: 16
    • Manager: 68
    • Employee 10
    • State Agency: 5
    • Retired: 1
  • 44 in grace

V. President’s Report

Gavin Northey, MBA, SNS

A. Office 365 Replacement

VI. Treasurer’s Report

Trevor Bridgewater, SNS

VII. Standing Committee Reports

A. Public Policy & Legislation

Susan Pougher

B. Member Services

No chair

C. Communications

Carlos Perez

1. Mush On News

Carolos Perez

2. Web Site

Gavin Northey, MBA, SNS

3. Social Media

Trevor Bridgewater

D. Conference Committee

Tiffany Kurani, NDRT, SNS


E. Food and Vendor Expo Committee

Tanya Dube, SNS

E. Nutrition Standards & Education Committee

Tiffany Kurani, NDRT, SNS

VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports

A. Awards & Recognition Committee

Tonia Parfitt

B. Foundation Committee

Gavin Northey, MBA, SNS

(No update)

IX. Member Comments and Testimony

Member comments and testimony

X. Unfinished Business

No unfinished business

XI. New Business

A. Updates to Arctic School Food Service Innovation Competition

Multiple updates are included for consideration

  • Boiler plate changes
  • Changes to address presentation (loosely based on results of last year’s vote)
  • Changes to expand eligibility to non-members (and add member preferences), not based on any request, introduced to expand nominations
  • Changes to address travel reimbursement procedures

XII. Announcements / Good of the Order

XIII. Adjournment

Next meeting date and time to be determined

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